Welcome to Statsd Metrics’s documentation!



Metric classes for Statsd, and Statsd clients (each metric in a single request, or send batch requests). Provides APIs to create, parse or send metrics to a Statsd server.

The library also comes with a rich set of Statsd clients using the same metric classes, and Python standard library socket module.

Metric Classes

Metric classes represent the data used in Statsd protocol excluding the IO, to create, represent and parse Statsd requests. So any Statsd server and client regardless of the IO implementation can use them to send/receive Statsd requests.

Available metrics:

The metrics module also provides helper functions to normalize metric names, and a parse a Statsd request and return the corresponding metric object. This could be used on the server side to parse the received requests.


A rich set of Statsd clients using the same metric classes, and Python standard library socket module.

  • Client: Default client, sends request on each call using UDP
  • BatchClient: Buffers metrics and flushes them in batch requests using UDP
  • TCPClient: Sends request on each call using TCP
  • TCPBatchClient: Buffers metrics and flushes them in batch requests using TCP

Timing Helpers

  • Chronometer: Measure duration and send multiple Timer metrics
  • Stopwatch: Measure time passed from a given reference and send Timer metrics with a specific name


pip install statsdmetrics


The only dependencies are Python 2.7+ and setuptools. CPython 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6-dev, PyPy 2.6 and PyPy3 2.4, and Jython 2.7 are tested)

However on development (and test) environment mock is required, typing and distutilazy are recommended.

# on dev/test env
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


Statsd metrics is released under the terms of the MIT license.
